Category Personal Finance

Tax advantages and benefits of using Health Savings Account

health savings account

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged savings account that individuals can use to set aside funds for qualified medical expenses. HSAs are designed to work together with high-deductible health plans (HDHPs), which are health insurance plans with higher…

10 Essential Money Saving Tips for 2024

10 Essential Money Saving Tips for 2024

10 Essential Money Saving Tips for 2024. It’s 2024. You turned a new chapter of your life. Here is an opportunity to make smart financial decisions and change your future. I have my list of ideas to help you care…

Tax-loss harvesting. How to maximize your after-tax returns.

Tax loss harvesting

What is tax-loss harvesting? Tax-loss harvesting (TLH) is a strategy that you, as an investor, can use to reduce your capital gains taxes and potentially maximize your future after-tax returns. The TLH strategy involves selling an investment in a taxable…

Last minute 401k moves to make in 2023

Last minute 401k moves to make in 2023

Last minute 401k moves to make in 2023 to boost your retirement savings. Do you have a 401k? These six 401k moves will help you grow your retirement savings and ensure that you take full advantage of your 401k benefits.…

Retirement Checklist: Your Comprehensive Guide to a Secure Retirement

Retirement checklist

Retirement is a significant life milestone that requires careful planning and preparation. Whether you’re approaching retirement age or still in the early stages of your career, having a retirement checklist is essential to ensure a financially secure and enjoyable retirement.…

How to handle a large inheritance and maximize your financial outcome

Handling a large inheritance

Handling a large inheritance is a blessing and a huge responsibility. It’s essential to approach this windfall carefully and strategically to maximize your financial opportunity. Managing a large inheritance involves a series of crucial steps and decisions. This article explores…

Successful strategies to manage your concentrated position

Manage your concentrated position

A concentrated position is an investment that makes an outsized share of your total net worth. As a rule of thumb, you should consider any investment that makes up more than 10% of your net worth as a concentrated position.…

Where is the stock market going in 2023?

Where is the stock market going in 2023

The stock market posted impressive gains in the first two months of 2023. It’s fair to say that the strong market rally in January caught a lot of market experts and investors off guard. The general mood at the end…

10 Essential Money Saving Tips for 2023

Essential Money Saving Tips for 2023

10 Essential Money Saving Tips for 2023. It’s 2023. You turned a new chapter of your life. After experiencing once-in-a-lifetime events in 2022, here is an opportunity to make smart financial decisions and change your future. I have my list…

Charitable donations: 6 Tax Strategies – Updated for 2022

Charitable donations

Charitable donations are an excellent way to help your favorite cause, church, foundation, school, or other registered charitable institution of your choice. Americans made $484.85 billion in charitable donations in 2021, which was 4% higher than 2020. The average annual…

Wise 401k moves to make in 2022

Wise 401k moves to make in 2022

Six wise 401k moves to make in 2022 to boost your retirement saving. Do you have a 401k? These five 401k moves will help you grow your retirement savings and ensure that you take full advantage of your 401k benefits.…

Maximizing Roth savings for high-income earners

Maximizing Roth savings for high income earners

Maximizing your Roth savings is a terrific way to save for retirement for both high-income earners and professionals at all levels. Roth IRA is a tax-free retirement savings account that allows you to make after-tax contributions to save towards retirement.…

Inflation is a tax and how to combat it

Inflation is a tax

Inflation is a tax. Let me explain. Inflation reduces the purchasing power of your cash and earnings while simultaneously redistributing wealth to the federal government. When prices go up, we pay a higher sales tax at the grocery store, restaurants,…

5 reasons to leave your robo-advisor and work with a real person

Leave your robo-advisor

Robo-advisors have grown in popularity in the last 10 years, offering easy and inexpensive access to professional investment management with human interaction.  Firms like Vanguard, Betterment, Personal Capital, and Wealth Front use online tools and algorithms to build and manage…

New Year Financial Resolutions for 2022

New Year Financial Resolutions for 2022

New Year Financial Resolutions for 2022. It’s 2022. You turned a new chapter of your life. Here is an opportunity to make smart financial decisions and change your future. We have our list of ideas that can help you. Here…

5 smart 401k moves to make in 2021

5 smart 401k moves to make in 2021 to boost your retirement saving. Do you have a 401k? These five 401k moves will help you grow your retirement savings and ensure that you take full advantage of your 401k benefits.…

New Year Financial Resolutions for 2021

New Year Financial Resolutions for 2021

New Year Financial Resolutions for 2021. Let’s kick off 2021 with a bang. It’s time to hit the refresh button.  2020 was very challenging. The covid pandemic brought enormous shifts to our daily lives.  Social distancing. Working from home. Digital…

The Benefits of using an Outsourced Chief Investment Officer

The Benefits of using an Outsourced Chief Investment Officer

In today’s insights, we will discuss some of the key benefits of using an Outsourced Chief Investment Officer.  Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) is a growing service where financial advisors, family offices, endowments, pension funds, and other institutions seek outside…

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